I have helped many clients discover their ancestral roots through genealogical research at the British Columbia Archives and other sites. Also included in my work has been Statements of Significance for private clients and historical research of families and their homes.
1015 Cook Street
This work was undertaken for a private client. The building was deconstructed, and a new four-storey building was erected, so all that is left of the original structure is my article.
Township of Esquimalt
This project involved the preparation of six Statements of Significance for properties in this municipality. In the end, five properties were added to the heritage register. Statements were prepared only after extensive consultation with the homeowners, the Esquimalt Archives, and township staff in addition to historic research.
District of Central Saanich
This work involved the preparation of a Statement of Significance for West Saanich School prior to its restoration.
Victoria Cool Aid Society
For Cool Aid, I wrote a history of the first 40 years of the organization. I undertook historical research, assisted with a video on the history, interviewed key person, selected material for history web pages, selected material for a history brochure, and wrote the 40-year history in both short and long forms. I also created a Wikipedia entry for Cool Aid.
BC Parks
Over the past few years, I have written several Statements of Significance for different BC Parks, including Wallace Island Marine Park, Burgoyne Bay, Louis Larson Precinct, and Ruckle Park.
City of Victoria
This extensive work concluded with the preparation of 50 Statements of Significance for properties in the Fairfield Neighbourhood. The work also included a comprehensive Statement of Significance for the Fairfield Neighbourhood. The scope of work included site visits, historical research, analysis of data and writing of statements to provincial standards.
Two projects were completed in Revelstoke. Both involved site visits, interviews with homeowners, historical research, analysis of data and completion of work to provincial standards.
City of Vancouver
This collaborative work for BC’s largest city involved site visits to 63 properties in the Hastings Street corridor of Vancouver, part of the Downtown East Side. Work included site visits, detailed photography, historical and archival research, analysis of data and completion of the statements to provincial standards.