Entries by Helen Edwards

Why I am a Seattle Mariners fan

I have been asked many times why I, as a Canadian citizen, support the Seattle Mariners rather than “Canada’s team,” the Toronto Blue Jays. It is now time to tell the story. I was born a baseball fan. My father was a diehard Brooklynn Dodgers fan—he hated the dreaded Yankees—and we would listen to the […]

1596 Rockland Avenue

Early recycler lived in Rockland mansion As the years have passed, the number of people who remember the original Rockland recycler, Harry Haigh, has decreased. I remember stories my father told me as a child about this “strange character” who lived at 1586 Rockland Avenue. Harry Haigh was born June 6, 1910 in Leeds, England […]

Vic High Class of 1964 reunion

Click here to download the registration form for our May 18th lunch.Classof1964registration If you have any questions, please contact me Good news. Helen Lee has made it possible for us to use PayPal to pay for the luncheon. Please go to http://goto-hwl.com/VicHighLuncheon.htm to register there.